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Delete Profile Information from Zea

Delete profile information from Zea
Applicable to the following products and plans:
All products and plans


To meet global data privacy laws, including the (GDPR) and the (CCPA), the Owner of an organization can delete a member’s profile information. We’ve outlined some key details below for both members and Owners, but if you have questions.

Deletion is permanent — once profile information is removed, it can't be recovered.

Some background

The Primary Owner of an Organization controls their data (we call this Customer Data). This includes all of the content submitted by members, along with member profile information.
When members leave a workspace or organization, they may have the right to request their profile information be deleted by the Primary Owner. As the data controller, the Primary Owner is responsible for determining whether profile information requires deletion.
The Primary Owner of an Organization can to request deletion assistance.

What is profile information?

When we talk about member profile information, here’s what’s included:
First name
Last name
Profile picture
Email address
Job title
The following content is not considered profile information and will not be deleted as part of a request to remove a member’s personal information:
A member’s change history from any Workspaces, Hubs, or Projects
Client Generated Data
Note: A deactivated User's full and display name will appear as @deleteduser when their profile information has been deleted.

For free and paid users

A, Organization Owner is responsible for determining whether profile information requires deletion. .

Delete your Profile

Click on your profile icon in the top right.
Select My Profile
Click on the Advanced tab.
Follow the instructions to delete all Organizations and Workspaces. ​
Click the Delete account button to permanently delete your account. ​

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