A Master Parts List is a single spreadsheet containing a list of all serviceable parts. Each row in the spreadsheet represents a service part that needs to be mapped to at least one 3D model. The Master Parts List can also contain other data such as descriptions.
When importing a Master Parts List, Zea Parts will generate a BOM dynamically using the hierarchy defined in your 3D models. The tree it generates will closely match the tree defined in the 3D model inspector.
Download the Template File
This file shows the basic columns that can be imported. Columns with an * are Default Fields.
70.2 kB
Open the Zea Sync Desktop App
Launch the Zea Sync app on your desktop.
Log in if required, and select the Organization and Workspace where you want to set up your parts catalog.
Choose Master Parts List from the options.
Select Your File
The data to upload must be on the first tab of your spreadsheet.
The Master Parts List Settings dialog will open the first time you enter (if it does not open click ⚙️ in the top right).
Click on the Select file button
Browse to the location of your Master Parts List file and select it.
Explore the Interface
A) Toolbar
Refresh file button: Useful if you have made changes to the spreadsheet.
Status: This shows the current processing status, including any errors.
Process button: Click this button to sync to the Zea Platform.
Settings button: Access the Master Parts List settings.
B) Preview
This is a preview of the selected spreadsheet. Use it as a reference when mapping fields.
C) Mapping
Header Row: The row containing the header columns.
Fields: This is where you select if a field is public or not, map Imported Fields to Zea Part Fields, assign languages, and add new optional fields.
Warnings: Any warnings for missing field mapping are show below the fields.
Set Header Row
Adjust this number when the first row in your spreadsheet does not contain the column headings.
Map Default Fields
Select the corresponding Imported Field from your spreadsheet that maps to the Zea Parts Fields below:
Engineering Part Number (Required): The column in your spreadsheet the contains values that map directly to parts and assemblies in your CAD.
Service Part Number: May be provided as alternatives to the Engineering Part Number used within the CAD data. When a Service Part Numbers is used, the customer is shown that not the Engineering Part Number.
Sellable: One of the most important settings to specify is if a part or assembly is sellable. Specifying that a row is sellable will enable the add to cart button to be displayed in the published catalog and users are then able to request a quote.
Configure Languages
Zea Parts supports importing data for multiple languages, and enabling end users to choose their preferred language. Languages can be configured in the Master Parts List or SBOMs Settings.
Navigate to the Languages tab in the settings.
Click the Add Languages button.
Start typing in the language name to find the language you are looking for.
Click Add.
You can import as many languages as you want, as long as there is a corresponding column in the spreadsheet.
Map Optional Fields
Optional fields can be added by clicking the New button and provide more detail about parts in the published catalog.
String fields: Used for text such as descriptions. When a string field is Public it will require a language.
Number fields: Used for numbers such as price. Number fields will automatically total when items are added to the shopping cart.
Public vs. Private Fields
When adding new fields, you can specify whether they are Public or Private.
Public: Choose Public for fields which you want to display in the published catalog, such as description and price.
Private: Choose Private for internal fields that you do not wish to be displayed in the published catalog. Private fields do not require a language.
Now that you have all your fields mapped, it is time to process the file and sync you Mater Parts List to Zea Parts.
Click the Process button
If everything is correct, the Status will say Last import succeeded .
If there are issues with mapping, the Status will say Last Import failed. You can see Logs to identify the problem.
If you make changes to the source spreadsheet the status will say Local file change. In this case you may re-process the Master Parts Lists if the change was intentional.
View Your Parts
Go to the Zea Platform and navigate to the Workspace that you synced your parts to.
Here you can see statistics for how many parts have been successfully mapped to 3D models.
Click on Zea Parts in the Workspace Dashboard.
Fixing Parts With ‘No Models’
The article about fixing missing parts is coming soon. In the meantime, here is a quick overview: